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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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important that this stakeholders have ample opportunity to respond to these proposed regulations and rules. thank you.
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>> good afternoon. >> i am with the department of public works. >> do you remember him? >> a vaguely.
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[laughter] >> that is too bad. >> you are very lucky to have them. i am here today to give you an update on the better market street project and let you know what we have been working on and what the schedule is. the goal of the better market street project is to revitalize markets street from the embarcadero to octavia boulevard and to reestablish the street as the premier cultural civic transportation and economic line of the city. we have three key goals around that. one is around place making, mobility, and economic development. just briefly, the project team is fairly complex and involves multiple city agencies headed by
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the department of public works in coordination with the planning department and mta staff and the county transportation authority. and partnership with the puc as well. on the consulting team, we have a design team. we have a fairly robust transportation team. we have been coordinating with multiple city efforts that are under way. they have components that are partnering with the project, such as the transit effectiveness project, the second street corridor, central subway. we have also been working with some of our city partners on near-term implementation projects and coordination of pilot projects. the team is working to support
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those efforts that are ongoing. this graph shows the key survey components of our first round of outreach, which was held last year. we surveyed the community on which of these key items they wish to see along the corridor. place making or public space activation was number one. walking and bicycling, economic vitality, a civic -- connecting neighborhoods. to summarize the modes we are investigating, transit is very important to the market street corridor. automobile circulation, bicycle secularization -- circulation, and pedestrian access. the objective is to improve reliability and to decrease travel time along the corridor. some of the tools you're looking at to accomplish those goals are
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are larger boarding islands, level boarding, prepayments, enhanced way finding, enhanced lane assignments >> transit-only lanes, and stop optimization. this craft is a diagram to show that we have two proposals on the table for transit optimization. the enhanced -- it reduces the island stops by three. it does very little to the curbside stops. there are no lighting reassignments. this is somewhat similar to the current conditions. the rapid option has more reduction. not much impact on the curb stops, but also includes a
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fairly robust look at the lane assignments for the transit lines. in terms of private automobile access, we have three options on the table. additional access changes means that we are building upon the required right turns in place now at 10th and sixth in the eastbound direction. looking at other key points for we could implement similar strategies. limited vehicle access builds upon that same idea. it also includes potential car- free zone between fourth and fifth, where we have the highest pedestrian volumes. a fairly constrained right of way with the placement of the board -- bart portals. the car-free option proposes no private automobiles east of franklin. that is the most robust option. in all three cases, we are
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testing these options to see which accomplish our transit goals. to decide which of these is the best strategy moving forward. i should also note that these do not include taxis, paratransit, loading and delivery vehicles. those of be excluded from these restrictions. -- those would be excluded from these restrictions. we have to over arching options, one is the shared land auction. this is somewhat similar to the condition we have today. it is a fairly cost-effective alternative in at the curb does not mean to be relocated. in order for this option to be successful, and it would require additional bioko restrictions. such as i just explained. those would require more of a requirement. the other benefit to the shared land auction, it does allow for more of the public activation
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space. the cycle track option it is physically separated bike facility. that is a completely separated bicycle track. this is from the conflicts standpoint, this is a better alternative. the mode is completely separate from transit and pedestrians. it does infringe on the public activation space somewhat. and it is a more costly option. in terms of pedestrian access, we are focused on this as well. the project proposes a accessible pop of travel -- have the travel at a 15 foot minimum. we're looking at other accessibility issues, such as materiality, crosswalks, other
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conflicts with pedestrians. in the intersection hot spots, we have identified typical intersections up and down the corridor that because of the intersecting greg and the late cult of market street are challenging for all -- intersecting grid and the layout of market street are challenging for all modes. it is not all about speed, but also about the design and layout of certain areas along the corridor. traffic and pedestrian said the upgrades, there is a bit of a challenge in the western portion of the quarter as you head west of the van ness. the street is somewhat freeway- centric. we're looking at that as well. on the other side of this project are the urban design
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components and strategies we are looking at to integrate transportation and urban design and make a complete corridor. these are the strategies that we are employing. first is to create a unifying identity. market street currently has a strong identity, most people will say they know they are in market street based on materiality and the orientation of the diagonal that crosses those two grids. we want to continue to celebrate that identity. enhancing the districts. the corridor breaks out into these districts, the embarcadero, the financial district, the retail heart, midmarket, civic center, and octavia. each of them have their own unique identity. we are looking to enhance that.
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the introduction of a street light zone. this is part of our public space activation strategy. this is often referred to as the site furnishings' sound. is the area from the curb to be acceptable -- accessible path of travel. often, this is where your light fixtures exist. on market street, there is not much of a zone for activity. we're looking to introduce that zone to really help activate the corridor. this example is of a connector or a more narrow street light zone. we would expect that a good majority of the corridor would be this type of streetlight sound. in some -- we would program or activities. this might happen at certain places, such as powell street.
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revitalizing major public spaces. there are some very key public spaces up and down market street. some of which are not currently to their potential. they really can served also as large nose of baxter -- nodes of activation. we are looking for at 3 at this moment. dusky public spaces up and down the corridor. -- those key public spaces that are up and down the corridor. given their proximity to very large transit stops. we have a huge volume of people coming up from the underground comic a large number of people above ground. how can we capture those people in public spaces and make a film titled places to be? -- and make them a vital place to be? we held our first round of outreach last year. we have since been preparing are
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interesting best actress this research, those documents are available -- best practices research, those documents are available on the website. brown to about which will be in july. -- round two of outreach will be in july. we will make sure we are on the right track with what we heard last year. we will then be refining those into concepts. we will be bringing those out to the community at the end of this year. at that point, in a larger project schedule, we will be entering into environmental review with the goal of construction 2015-2016. our public works -- i wanted to mention the dates have been set. those workshops will have one evening workshop, one saturday
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workshop, july 17 and 21st. we will also be holding a webinar on july 19 from 12:00 until 1:00. i am happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. the board discussed market street about six months ago, eight months ago. this board has been incredibly supportive of continuing to make market street more of a transit and bicycle and pedestrian efficient corridor and focusing less on the private auto traffic. there are some great ideas in here. a couple of questions, the first one has to do with funding. i see there is no mention of funding. it is a fabulous design. if i had my way, we would
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implement everything tomorrow. which i know he is not possible. what is the plan for funding? i see that construction is scheduled for 2015, which gives us time. >> for construction implementation, we are looking at fta funds. we believe that we will be competitive for that funding and that is our current plan for construction implementation. the paving funds are already programmed. we would expect them to come from one of our sources. the larger transportation improvement would come from fta fuinds. -- funds. >> are we done with market street until the market street plan starts going in? are we going to continue to do what we can to?
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i am sure all of us use market street all the time. there has been improvements, the things that stick out in my mind -- they are two signs of the same coin. it is horrible when i get stopped in front of a bus because i cannot pedal fast enough. i like the idea of physically separating the bicycles from transit. those poor buses are going to get stuck behind the bicycles more often. i hate seeing the cyclist bill between the -- go between the buses and the curb.
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the poor bus driver, i cannot even imagine what that is like. somebody at the bicycle advisory suggested that we do stickers on the back of the bus, saying "bikes do not travel between the bus and the curb." when you are on the bus and you see the cyclist do that, i view them as shark infested waters. maybe something else, a reminder to the cyclist not to cross the bus into the tracks. i want to see us continue to make changes to market street. i do not want us to wait for this project to begin construction in 2015.
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in the last month, i have been bullied twice by people in very expensive cars. if i was not a decent cyclist, i would have fallen. she was in a convertible, i caught up to her at the next flight and let her know that she terrified me. i was almost in tears. i do not one has to wait until 2015 to continue to make improvements. what you have here is gorgeous, i love it. i wish we could have it in tomorrow. i think it would help so much and it would restore that street or change that street to what really can be. it is the backbone of the city. chairman nolan: what did the